Home > Rides > Finding Rides

Finding Rides

The system allows you to search for rides by Ride Title, Training Load, or distance.

  1. From the main menu click [Rides][Find Rides] or click the Find Rides link on the footer. The Find Rides page will display
  2. Fill in the search criteria on the form depending upon how you want to find rides.
  3. The Ride Title field works with modifiers. You can search on either a "begins with", "contains" or "equals" (exact match) basis.
  4. Search criteria can be combined.
  5. When you're done with entering criteria click the [Find Rides] button.  A list of rides that meet your criteria should appear beneath the form.
  6. The resulting list has buttons for each ride that allow you to delete the ride or export the ride to .gpx, .tcx or .fit formats.



See also

Uploading A Ride
Adding A Manual Ride
Deleting Rides
Exporting Rides
Ride Feed
Ride Calendar
The Ride Page